have no higher ideal in life than looking after our family. In the
seeker after wisdom, there is an irrepressible hunger for knowledge,
an eagerness to know the truth. He will investigate the nature and
qualities of everything. As one by following the river comes at last
to the sea, the seeker after knowledge reaches the Lord.
15. The third kind of bhakta
seeks meaning and purpose (artha) in all things. "Artha"
here does not mean money or wealth, it only means welfare and
happiness. The test he applies to every action, the touch-stone is,
"how will society benefit? Whatever he speaks, writes or does,
he would make sure that is does good, not harm to the world. He
would never agree to anything that is useless or harmful. One who
wishes for the world's welfare is indeed a mahatma. His whole
happiness is in the welfare of the world.
The first kind of bhakta, the
afflicted one, looks at the whole world through eyes of love, the
second kind, the seeker of knowledge, through the eye of discovery,
and the third, the seeker of meaning, from the point of view of the
world's welfare.
16. Though these three kinds
of bhaktas are all desireless, still their approach is not
integral. One reaches the Lord through karma, the second
through love, the third through knowledge. What remains is the
perfect bhakta, and he may be called the jnani-bhakta,
the seer-saint. All that he sees he regards as forms of God.