Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
Even bhakti born of desire has value

9. The Lord speaks of three kinds of devotees (bhakta) - (1) sakama bhakta, one who prays for something, (2) the disinterested but partial bhakta, and (3) the jnani, the seer, or the perfect bhakta. The disinterested but partial bhakta is of three kinds, - (1) The afflicted, (2) the seeker after knowledge and (3) the seeker of meaning and purpose. These are the branches and twigs of the tree of bhakti.

What is meant of sakama bhakti, interested bhakti? It is approaching the Lord with some desire in the heart. I do not despise this as a low form of bhakti. Many people render public service for name and fame. What is wrong in that? Give them honor; you will do no harm by it. Because they receive honor they will get confirmed in service; and then they will begin to find joy in their work. This desire for recognition, what does it mean ultimately? Through recognition, one gets the faith that what one is doing is right.

One who has no inward means of deciding whether his service is good or bad, such a one accepts this external test. When the mother pats the child on the back and says, "Well done, my child!", the child wants to help all the more. The sakama bhakta too is like that. He could go straight to the Lord and say, "Give," asking for what he wants. The habit of going to the Lord and asking Him for whatever one wants, is not common. It is something rare.

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About Prapatti Or Surrender To God
The sublime vision...Pg.1
The sublime vision...Pg.2
The sublime vision...Pg.3
The sublime vision ...Pg.4
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.1
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.2
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.3
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.4
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.1
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.2
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.3
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.4
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.5
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.6
Disinterested bhakti....Pg.1
Disinterested bhakti...Pg.2
Disinterested bhakti...Pg.3