Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
2. Before throwing open the doors of this mansion, the Lord makes us understand the secret of the structure of this enticing world. On the same kind of paper and with the same brush, an artist paints a variety of pictures. The vina-player, out of seven notes, makes so many different ragas (modes of music). With the few letters in the alphabet, we express an endless variety of thoughts and feelings. Look on this creation too in the same light. There are in it innumerable objects, and many modes of being.

But all this exterior and interior creation is made up of two things - the indivisible atman and the eightfold forms of Nature. The anger of the angry man, the love of the lover, the agony of the sufferer, the happiness of the happy one, the drowsiness of the idler, the activity of the worker - all these are the play of the same power of chaitanya, consciousness. At the root of these contradictory movements, and filling them all, is a single Consciousness. As the Consciousness within is one, so too is the outer veil single in its nature. The Lord tells us in the beginning that all creation is born of the conscient atman, the self and the inconscient Nature.

3. While everywhere spirit and body, the supernatural and the natural, are thus one, why is man caught in illusion? Why does he see difference? While the face of a loving man is pleasant to look at, the sight of another fills us with disgust. Why are we attracted by one and repelled by the other? The same pencil, the same paper, the same artist; and yet the various pictures reveal various kinds of emotion.

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About Prapatti Or Surrender To God
The sublime vision...Pg.1
The sublime vision...Pg.2
The sublime vision...Pg.3
The sublime vision ...Pg.4
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.1
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.2
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.3
Pure joy through bhakti..Pg.4
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.1
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.2
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.3
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.4
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.5
Even bhakti born of desire ..Pg.6
Disinterested bhakti....Pg.1
Disinterested bhakti...Pg.2
Disinterested bhakti...Pg.3