12. It is its mutability that makes creation immortal. The form of creation flows like a gurgling stream. If the
Ganga does not keep flowing, it would become a stagnant pool. The water flows in an unbroken stream. But it is
for ever changing. One drop replaces another. And so the water lives.
One finds joy in an object because it is new. In summer, we worship the Lord with flowers. In the rainy season, we offer the tender green dub grass. In
autumn, it is the beautiful lotus.
With the flowers and the fruits that are in season, the Lord is worshipped. That is
why worship is bright and ever fresh, one never gets tired of it. If we write out the letter 'A' for a child and tell him
to write again and again over it, thickening the lines, it simply bores him. He cannot understand why the lines
should be made thick. He blunts the point of the pencil and does it as quickly as possible. But later he learns
new letters and new combinations of letters. He begins to read many kinds of books. He experiences the
masterpieces of literature.
Then he has boundless joy. It is the same with worship. Because the instruments are
ever new, the enthusiasm for worship grows. The habit of service develops.
Because of the transitoriness of creation we have fresh flowers every day. The cremation ground is near the
village; that is why children are being born. Creation is renewed every day. If we abolish the
cremation ground out there, it would come in and occupy the house. You
would get tired of seeing the same people day after day. It is hot in summer; the earth is parched.