Ego-less service in bhakti
13. The Gita wants every action of ours to be filled with bhakti. It is good that we worship God for half an hour
now and then. Morning and evening, when the beautiful light of the sun spreads out its colors, it is an excellent
idea to steady one's mind to forget the world for a while and meditate on the Infinite. We should not give up such
good habits. But the Gita is not satisfied with them.
All our actions from morning till night should become
worship of the Lord. Bathing, eating or sweeping, we should think of the Lord. While sweeping, we should have
the bhavana, the attitude, that we are cleaning for courtyard of the Lord, the master of our life. All our
actions should thus become acts of worship. Once this attitude becomes yours, observe what a
vast difference it makes to your life. How carefully we choose flowers
for worship, how gently we carry them, so that they may not get bruised or crumpled or faded! For
fear that it might lose its freshness, we do not take the flower near our