Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
12. In English alone tens of thousands of books are published every year. You may take it that this is so in other languages too. Though knowledge spreads so rapidly, how does man's mind manage to remain still empty? One man says that human memory is getting weaker; another, that men are losing the power of concentration; still another, that whatever he reads seems true to him, and he cannot discriminate; yet another declares, "My dear Sir, I have no time to think." 

The Lord Krishna says, "Arjuna, you have been listening to so far too many things, and your mind is dazed. Till it gets steady, you will not see the way clearly. Stop reading books and listening to people, now take sanctuary with the saints. There you can read the book of life. There, silent speech clears all your doubts. By going there you will understand how utterly serene the mind can be while performing continuous service; you will understand how, though action rages without, the heart can be turned to produce unbroken music.

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About Vikarma - The Key To karma - Yoga
How Vikarma helps Karma..Pg.1
How Vikarma helps Karma..Pg.2
How Vikarma helps Karma..Pg.3
Karma + Vikarma = Akarma..Pg.1
Karma + Vikarma = Akarma..Pg.2
Karma + Vikarma = Akarma..Pg.3
Karma + Vikarma = Akarma..Pg.4
Karma + Vikarma = Akarma..Pg.5
Karma + Vikarma = Akarma..Pg.6
The art of akarma - learn it from the saints..Pg.1
The art of akarma - learn it from the saints..Pg.2
The art of akarma - learn it from the saints..Pg.3