'form' stands for the physical features of the world of phenomena,
name signifies the psychical characteristics. The 'form' does not
condition us so much as the 'name. The spell of 'name' is even
harder to get over than the hold of 'form'. Hence, the divine name
is said to be more efficacious than the divine form in extricating
the devotee from the trammels of worldliness.
There are several stories in the puranas
to illustrate this point. One of them relates to Hanuman proving to
his Lord Ramachandra himself that the name 'Rama' was more powerful
than the person Rama. Of the Tantrika technique of worship, the
central principle is the gradual substitution of subtler for grosser
modes of devotion
Although the sadhaka starts with
outer worship (bahya-puja),
he is not to stop there. He has to go inward by stages through
chanting of hymns (stava),
muttering of mantras (japa), and meditation (dhyana),
until he attains unity with the non-dual Reality (advaita-bhava).
Starting from the gross forms of worship, the devotee should
progressively adopt subtler modes. The grades are indicated in the
following verse:
prathama pratima-Puja
japastotrani madhyama
uttama manasi puja
soh'am pajottamottama.
"The first stage is
image worship; the next consists in japa
and prayer; still higher is mental worship; the highest is of the
form 'I am He'." It will thus be seen that the repetition of
the divine names and sacred formulas occupies a crucial Place in the
scheme of spiritual disciplines. |