Aspects Of Our Religion
Major Sections


The same is the case with our religion. Other religions did not exist before the time of their founders.  Ours is a religion, which existed long before the founded religions.  Obviously, it was the only religion in the world ministering to the spiritual needs of mankind as a whole. There was no second religion from which it was required to be distinguished.  Hence, there was no need for a name for it.  It was, and even now continues to be nameless.

We have no evidence as to when our religion 'began'.  Obviously, it did not 'begin' at a particular time.  It must be said to be beginningless.  It has been existing always.  It is sanaatana.  The nearest Sanskrit word for religion is dharma, though dharma signifies much more than religion.  Our religion, cannot be named after a founder;  for there was no founder for it.  So, if at all it is necessary to give a name to our religion, it can only be called sanaatana dharma or the eternal religion. 

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