a list of such offenders, a sloka says:
seeghri sirahkampee tathaa likhitapaatakah
anarthajnah alpakantascha shaidaite
The meaning of this is: 'He who sings the Vedas, he who chants them very fast, he
who shakes his head while chanting, he who reads from writing, he who does not know the
meaning and he whose voice is low-these are very inferior learners of the Vedas.'
Thus, the Vedas have been preserved not by being written, but by the process of oral
learning or adhyayana. It is the duty of the Braahmanas to engage themselves in this
task. It is a whole-time job, in fact a function extending all through life. Pursuit
of other avocations of life will interfere with it.
That is why
Braahmanas are forbidden from engaging in other pursuits. That is also the reason
why other persons to whom other avocations in life appropriately belong are not entrusted
with this task of thus preserving the Vedas. They have been prohibited from learning
the Vedas. This is not to be understood as discriminating against them. This has
been ordained only to ensure that they discharge their own functions in society
undistracted by other pursuits.