It must be one of an asset, which we have earned by the good deeds that we have
done. Of the three, body, wealth and mind, the second cannot be taken by us across the
shores of death. We must leave it behind as an inheritance to our children. But the powers
of our body and mind, what we have done with them are ours to carry beyond death. In our
ascent to the hilltop to cross over to the other country, let us not be weighed down by
the sins of this world born of attachment to material objects.
Our thought, speech and action should
secure for us a safe pass age to the realm beyond and a happy sojourn there. No special
skill is needed for this purpose. Cleverness is needed only to make counterfeit currency,
not for using the genuine coins.
Let us utter God's Name with an unsophisticated simple
mind detaching us from the things of the world and attaching ourselves to
God's Holy Feet. Let us pray to Him with contrition and humility: 'Oh God! I possess no
virtue, which will make me deserve thy grace. Do not count my disqualifications. Have
mercy on me, and take rue under thy divine protection!' |