Bhagavad Gita
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


The Yoga of the Gita is a progressive and multiple process. There is no loss in attempt and failure, as every sincere effort is a gain in itself. It consists of: 

(1) Control of the senses and purity of conduct, and regulation of the routine of life, worship, work, food, sleep, etc.; 

(2) Unselfish, but none the less attentive, performance of the duties to which one is called by one's natural fitness and by reason of one's place in the social organisation; 

(3) Cultivation of true detachment and an even spirit in the face of success or difficulty or failure, or causes for joy, grief or disappointment; 

(4) Vigilant control of the motions of the mind, and the elimination of passions that disturb it-lust, anger and greed; 

(5) Periodical turning of the mind inwards, for silent, concentrated meditation; and 

(6) Surrender to God's grace. 

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