Each of these aspects
of Yoga may be emphasized and given a separate name, such as Sankhya
Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Sanyasa Yoga, Adhyatma Yoga, or Bhakti
Yoga. But, in practice, they are all mutually connected and
inseparable; and so, all are combined in the Gita and brought
together in one organic synthesis.
It is possible that
the reader of these pages may say: The ideal of the Gita is good,
but it is impracticable; ordinary men can never hope to attain it.
What good is it then to men in this world of reality?
This question may be
asked not only in respect of the Gita teaching, but of every great
religion of the world. All the faiths and all the scriptures present
ideals that are impossible of complete attainment in the work-a-day
world. |