Bhagavad Gita
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


For example, who can maintain that the life and teachings of Christ can be truly and fully followed by the Christians that revere and worship Him as God? The same is the case of the Koranic or the Buddhistic teachings. Yet it is true that every one of these religions has not only stirred great men's hearts and given strength to their souls, but is the daily bread of life to millions of common mortals; who otherwise would have been like beasts of the field.

The Bible, the Koran and the Gita are like lamps that light our paths in darkness. We cast our own shadows on our path in spite of the lantern in our hands; so, every besetting temptation, doubt, fear or difficulty throws its dark shadow, in spite of the light we carry; and the way is a checkered pattern of light and shadow. Still, holding the light firmly in our hands we may walk fairly safely. If we let the light go out, we should be lost in the jungle. 

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