With this fine army, you can vanquish even the gods. Fear not."
Thus cheering up the dejected Duryo- dhana, he gave him a healing balm
for his wounds. Duryodhana rubbed it over his numerous wounds and felt relieved.
He went to the field, heartened by the grandsire's words of confidence.
Thearmy was that day arrayed in circular formation. With each war elephant were seven
chariots fully equipped.
Each chariot was supported by seven horsemen. To each horseman was
attached ten shield bearers. Everyone wore armour.
Duryodhana stood resplendent like Indra at the centre of this great and
well- equipped army.Yudhishthira arrayed the Pandava army in vajravyuha. This day's battle
was fiercely fought simultaneously at many sectors.
Bhishma personally opposed Arjuna's attacks. Drona and Virata were
engaged with each other at another point. Sikhandin and Aswatthama fought a big battle at
another sector.