Duryodhana and Dhrishtadyumna fought with each other at yet another point.
Nakula and Sahadeva attacked their uncle Salya. The Avanti kings opposed Yudhamanyu, while
Bhimasena opposed Kritavarma, Chitrasena, Vikarna and Durmarsha.
There were great battles between Ghatot- kacha and Bhagadatta, between
Alambasa and Satyaki, between Bhurisravas and Dhrishtaketu, between Yudhishthira and
Srutayu and between Chekitana and Kripa.
In the battle between Drona and Virata, the latter was worsted and he
had to climb into the chariot of his son Sanga, having lost his own chariot, horses and
Virata's sons Uttara and Sveta had fallen in the first day's battle. On
this seventh day, Sanga also was slain just as his father came up to his side. Sikhandin,
Drupada's son, was defeated by Aswatthama.
His chariot was smashed and he jumped down and stood sword and shield
in hand. Aswatthama aimed his shaft at his sword and broke it. Sikhandin then whirled the
broken sword and hurled it at Aswatthama with tremendous force, but it was met by
Aswatthama's arrow.