In the attack on Kripa, Chekitana, losing his chariot and charioteer,
alighted and attacked Kripa's charioteer and horses with mace in hand and killed them.
Kripa also alighted, and standing on the ground, discharged his arrows.
Chekitana was badly hit. He then whirled his mace and hurled it at Kripacharya, but
the latter was able to intercept it with his own arrow.
There upon they closed with each other, sword in hand. Both were
wounded and fell on the ground, when Bhima came and took Chekitana away in his chariot.
Sakuni similarly took wounded Kripa away in his car.
Ninety-six arrows of Dhrishtaketu struck Bhurisravas, and the great
warrior was like a sun radiating glory, as the arrows, all sticking in his breast-plate,
shone bright around his radiant face. Even in that condition, he compelled Dhrishtaketu to
admit defeat and retire.