Three of Duryodhana's brothers attacked Abhimanyu who inflicted a heavy
defeat on them but spared their lives, because Bhima had sworn to kill them. Thereupon,
Bhishma attacked Abhimanyu.
Arjuna saw this and said to his illustrious charioteer: "Krishna,
drive the car towards Bhishma."
At that moment, the other Pandavas also joined Arjuna, but the
grandsire was able to hold his own against all five until the sunset and the battle was
suspended for the day, and the warriors of both sides, weary and wounded, retired to their
tents for rest and for having their injuries attended to.
After this, for an hour, soft music was played, soothing the warriors
to their rest. That hour was spent, says the poet,without a word about war or hatred and
was an hour of heavenly bliss, and it was a glad sight to see. One can see herein what the
great lesson of the Mahabharata is.
* Salya.