On the way Raama saw the vessels holding the consecrated water for the
coronation. He walked round them in worship. With calm majesty lie left behind the white
umbrella and other royal insignia and advised the crowds to disperse. The
Prince, in whom Desire had been vanquished, went to the house of Queen Kausalya to give
her the news and take her blessings before departing to the forest.
Readers should exercise their imagination
and build up in their own hearts the passions and sorrows of the persons figuring in this
epic. Dasaratha's anguish, Raama's cheerful renunciation and the greedy passion of
Kaikeyi which smothered all noble impulses these are familiar phases in our daily lives.
Vaalmeeki and Kamban saw with the vision of
genius and made the events in Raama's story live again in song. We too should see them
through imagination. This is the meaning of the tradition that, wherever Raama's tale is
told Hanumaan himself joins the gathering and reverently stands with tear-filled eyes,
listening. May everyone that reads this chapter receive by Raama's Grace strength to
bear the sorrows that have to be faced in life. |