committed no crime. He neither robbed nor harmed anyone. And it was not in Raama's nature
to cast eyes of desire at other people's wives. What happened was that, seeing that
preparations were afoot for installing him as Crown prince and regent, I approached the
King for your sake and secured the fulfillment of two boons he had long ago granted to me.
I asked that the kingdom should go to you and that Raama should be exiled to the forest.
Bound by his past promise, the King agreed. Raama
has therefore gone to the forest with Seeta and Lakshmana. Unable to bear this separation,
your father expired of grief. Do not waste yourself in vain lamentations now. Think now
what you should do. You know dharma. Your duty is to accept the burden of kingship.
I did all this for your sake and you should accept the
fruit of my action in the spirit in which I acted. The city and kingdom have come into
your possession without your wanting or working for it. Following the injunctions of
Vasishtha and other learned men, perform duly your father's obsequies and then prepare for
the coronation. You are a Kshatriya. You have inherited your father's kingdom. Attend to
what has fallen to you as your duty." |