The messengers must have been at their wits' end for an answer. The best they
could make was: "O tiger among men, all are well whose welfare is dear to you.
Lakshmi, the goddess of sovereignty, whose abode is the lotus, woos you. Get into your
chariot without loss of time." There was an enigmatic thought in this greeting, for
according to them Bharata was to be installed on the throne.
The prince took leave of his uncle and
grandfather for re turning home and preparations were made for his departure. The old king
and Yudhaajit collected rare and valuable things of their country to be sent as gifts to
King Dasaratha and Prince Raama of Ayodhya. Bharata and Satrughna mounted their chariots
and started with a big retinue towards Ayodhya. They travelled fast,
unmindful of fatigue, and by forced marches
reached Ayodhya on the morning of the eighth day. |