The poet says that, as Raama received his mother's benedictions, his bright face
glowed with added effulgence. How truly he pictures the sublime loveliness that comes of a
great renunciation that illumines one's being as with an Inner Light!
We saw that Raama left Seeta and went to
the King in answer to the message brought by Sumantra. Seeta was expecting Raama to return
in a chariot with the royal umbrella, followed by a great retinue. But now she saw Raama
return alone, unattended, with none of the royal insignia. And she noted on his face the
glow of some fixed resolve. Raama was thinking as he came how he could break to his
beloved the news that his father had decreed that he was to go to forest.
"Something troubles the mind of my
lord," thought Seeta, "but what can anything matter so long as there is our
love?" And she asked him: "What is the matter? Why do you look so
strangely?" |