To go with you wherever You go-that is my only course. If you must go to the
forest today, then today I go with you. There is no room here for any discussion. Do not
think that I cannot bear forest life. With you by my side it will be a joyous holiday. I
shall not be a source of trouble to you. I shall eat fruit and roots like you and I shall
not lag behind as we walk.
"I have long wished to go to the woods
with you and rejoice in the sight of great mountains and rivers. I shall spend the time
most happily among the birds and flowers, bathing in the rivers and doing the daily rites.
Away from you, I do not care for Heaven itself. I shall surely die if you leave me behind.
I implore you to take me with you. Have pity on me. Do not forsake me now."
Beginning in anger, her speech ended in
sobs. Raama explained to Seeta that life in the forest was not as easy as she thought and
set out at great length the difficulties and dangers and again insisted that she should
not think of accompanying him. |