Volume - VII
Major Sections
Culture Course


There was a senior general in the army of Marcus. Avidius was his name. He was a good friend of Marcus.

As ill luck would have it, Avidius rose in revolt against Marcus.

Avidius even spread the rumour that Marcus was dead and he, Avidius, was the new emperor. People said that he even wanted to marry the Empress.

When Marcus heard it, he did not feel angry, but only pitied his friend.

He called his army and said: "I only feel sorry for Avidius: for I am sure he will kill himself when he sees me. I am sorry for myself, since 1 won’t be able to forgive him after my victory; for he will be dead!"

The revolt lasted for a hundred days, and one of his own men killed Avidius and the rebellion came to an end.

Marcus had no thought of revenge. He pardoned every soldier who had risen against him.

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