Volume - VIII
Major Sections
Culture Course


YOGA is a Sanskrit word. It means joining together. Here it refers to the joining together of all the powers of man, his body, mind and soul, and directing them towards God. Yoga is a limb of the Vedas.

Although the Upanishads contain details about yoga here and there, the first Rishi to systernatise it was Patanjali.

His work is - called Yoga Sutras. Sutras mean short, pithy statements. There are 185 such sutras in that work.

Eight steps have been prescribed for the practice of yoga. They are:

(1) Yama or self-control; (2) Niyama or discipline; (3) Asana or physical exercise; (4) Pranayama or breathing exercise; (5) Pratyahara or drawing the mind inward; (6) Dharana or concentration; (7) Dhyana or meditation and (8) Samadhi or a state of trance.

Each of these steps leads to realisation of God, and the total effect of yoga is to create peace of mind.

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