To him
the Gita was all Maya with its everything is Brahman. But for all his sharp intellect he
couldnt even change his own wifes thoughts. He compared Hindu groups like RSS
to Islamic Iran and the Ayatollah. That the Ayatollah more resembled a Josef Stalin didn't
seem to dawn on him. Over time I looked into these Hindu
organizations to find these so-called intolerant and militant elements. I have never found
them even until today. The most I found was an occasional perhaps overly sharp rhetoric,
particularly against Islam, but even that was generally not inaccurate but at most unkind.
The media exaggerated or even invented the charge of militance against Hindu groups, which
were largely pacifistic and service oriented. The only exception was not the RSS but Shiva
Sena who could be quite militant. But even they were largely defending their own culture
and traditions.
I felt if this is all the India media has to worry about in terms of
Hindu bigots, they have gotten off easily. All the Sangha groups and their leaders, their
prejudices and fanatics included, are much more tolerant in religious views than your
ordinary Christian and Muslim with their one prophet-savior, one holy book, salvation for
the faithful and damnation for those of other beliefs. The average missionary is much more
hardhearted and closed minded about other religions than the most dedicated RSS workers.