The world we live in, the universe we see and observe how were they
created? Have the Hindu scriptures attempted any explanation of this
phenomenon? Can their explanations stand the scrutiny of science?
The secret behind the creation of this world as also the process of
creation the mystery surrounding the phenomena of birth and death,
the problem of good and evil, the ultimate goal of human life and
other questions akin to these, have been taxing the human
intelligence from time immemorial, ever eluding any intelligible
solutions. Our Rishis have offered their solutions to these, based
on their own mystic experiences as also the dictates of the Vedas.
The 'Shad darsanas' or the six systems of philosophy are
a direct result of their experiences and researches. In them we find
several explanations regarding creation.
The Nyaya system of Gautama and the
Vaishesika system of Kanada envisage creation by Paramatman (God)
out of anus (atoms) which are eternal. The shape of things is
directly related to the Adrishta (the unseen deserts) of the Jivas
(individual souls) left over unredeemed, from the previous cycle of
creation. Combination of these atoms causes creation and their
disintegration results in dissolution of this universe.
The Samkhya system of Kapila and the Yoga
system of Patanjali advance the theory that Prakriti (the
fundamental matrix of matter) evolves into this universe in the
presence of the Purushas (or individual souls) who act as catalytic
agents. In fact, the whole process of creation is for the
benefit of the Purushas, for their spiritual unfoldment resulting
finally in their emancipation. The five elements like earth
and water, sense organs like the eyes and ears as also mind all
these are evaluates of Prakriti only. The universe is a permutation
and combination of these. Though essentially detached from Prakriti,
if any Purusha feels an attachment towards Prakriti and its products
he becomes involved in bondage leading to repeated transmigration.
If he can successfully detach himself through discrimination and
wisdom, he will be emancipated.