Hinduism Through Questions & Answers
Q26 Contd. 

The Purva Mimamsa system of Jaimini advocates the theory that Prakriti or insentient nature evolves by itself into this universe, being impelled by the Prarabdha Karma (Karma done in previous lives and about to be fructified) of Jivas or individual souls. According to the Vedanta system propounded by Badarayana Vyasa, Brahman the Absolute projects this universe out of Itself, sustains it and withdraws it
into Itself at the end of the cycle.

This means that Brahman the Absolute which is One without a second, becomes 'many', gets 'evolved' as the universe and 'returns' to Its original state of  unity. it is something like the web coming out of the spider's mouth, sparks emitted out of fire or vegetation growing out of earth. Everything that exists is really Brahman, there is nothing that is not Brahman. Thus Vedanta teaches a fundamental unity behind the universe. 

When we look at the theories of modem science which declare that electrons are fundamental particles of matter, the permutations and combinations of which have given rise to the various objects of creation, we are tempted to conclude that modern science is fast approaching the findings of Vedanta. Whereas modem science has not yet been able even to define in unambiguous terms, lot alone explain, what mind, consciousness and life are, Vedanta affirms in unequivocal terms that Brahman or Atman, whose nature is eternal Existence, Consciousness and Bliss, is the fundamental and only reality from  which everything else, has evolved. This affirmation has obviously gone far beyond the discoveries and declarations of modem science. 

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Questions: 21 - 30
What Is Vedanta?
What is the meaning of Yoga?
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The world we live in the universe..? Pg1
The world we live in the universe ..? Pg2
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The caste system has take...? Pg2
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All thoughtful people are.....? Pg1
All thoughtful people are.....? Pg2
What is the Varna Ashrama..... ? Pg1
What is the Varna Ashrama..... ? Pg2