What Is Vedanta? Are there different schools in it? If so, what is
the essential teaching of each school?
Meaning of the word anta is end or essence. Since the Upanishads
form the end portions of the Vedas and contain their essence, they
have been termed as Vedanta. The Brahmasutras (of the
sage Badarayana) which try to systematize the teachings
of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita which has been described as the
milk from the cows of the Upanishads, as also all other works based
on these, have been included under the term Vedanta. All these works
generally deal with four topics: Brahman (God the Absolute),
Jivatman (the individual self), creation of the world and
Moksha, (liberation), the final goal of human life.
Different interpretations of the
fundamental texts of Vedanta have given rise to three main schools:
Advaita, Visishtadvaita and Dvaita. The three well known
Acharyas Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva are the chief exponents of
these three schools. According to the Advaita
system, Brahman alone is the reality, the one without a second. This
world has emanated from It, is established in It and will return to
It at the end of creation. In effect, this world is only an
appearance on Brahman and is Brahman Itself in reality even as the
illusory snake that appears in a rope is actually the rope itself.
The Jivas, (the individual souls) are
also, in the ultimate analysis, Brahman, The difference and
Separation between them is only apparent, brought about by
Ajnana or nescience. Since the Atman, the real nature of the Jiva,
is identical with Brahman, experience of the Atman is the same as
experience of Brahman. That itself is Moksha. The
Vishistadvaita recognizes multiplicity of Jivas, which are identical
with one another, though separate from one another and from Brahman,
also called Isvara.
This world, which is a modification of
the insentient Prakriti (nature) is different from Brahman and from
the Jivas. However, the Jivas and Prakriti exist in Brahman or
Isvara as a part of Him and are fully under His control. But
Brahman is beyond both. Visishtadvaita considers the triune of
Isvara, Jivas and Prakriti as one reality. Devotion to Isvara is the
primary means of obtaining Moksha. It is only by His
grace that Moksha can be secured. The
Dvaita system is similar to Visishtadvaita. However, it
carries the differences still further and states that the Jivas
differ from one another; so also do the various things of the world.