Hinduism Through Questions & Answers
Question 32. Granting that a Person is purified by these Samskaras what are the factors that pollute him? 

The Sastras declare that an individual is polluted by physical impurities while residing in the mother's womb and by Ajnana or ignorance in later life.

Samskaras like Jatakarma remove the former impurity whereas Upanayana and Vedic studies dispel the latter. 

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Questions: 31 - 40
What is Samskara? Pg1
What is Samskara? Pg2
Granting that a Person is purified..?
In this context, can the concepts of...?
What is the status accorded.......?
When we observe the evolution....?
What were these principal reform...?
Have our Mathas and religious....?
What should be the ideal daily....?
It seems that the Hindu society....?
And lastly What should be the...?