The purna or
the Whole is not the same as infinity, but if you use it as a mathetmatical symbol the
above sutra means that Infinity +
Infinity = Infinity and
Infinity -
Infinity = Infinity
From the unmanifest comes out the mani fest and at the end
of the cycle (night of Brahma) every manifest thing dissolves into the unmanifest.
There has been other expressions of this unmanifest. The
sound of this domain is the sound of silence. That which remains is Aum.
This is also called the anhat nad (unstruck sound) by some
and the sound of one hand clappings by others.
The light in this domain is the light of thousand sun
shining at the same time and is the light without any source.
When Arjuna had the opportunity to see Krishnas
Virat roop, this was a glimpse of this unmanifests expressible possibility. |