Hyperspace is
the theory of higher dimensions. It states that dimensions exist which are beyond length,
width, height, and time. In higher dimensions, there
is "enough room" in which to describe all of the inter- actions found in nature
(electricity, magne- tism, gravity, and the nuclear forces).
This means that in hyperspace (especially in its latest
form, as superstring theory), one may eventually be able to unify all the known laws of
physics into an equation perhaps no more than one-inch long.
This may complete Einstein's age-old dream of finding the
"theory of everything," which may describe everything from black holes, the big
bang, galaxies, down to the lilies of the field.
Because this theory is a theory of every thing, it may
eventually answer questions that have puzzled scientists for thousands of years, such as,
What happened before Creation?
Can you go backwards in time? Can you visit the stars?
Einstein's theory of general relativity allows for both the possibility of time travel and
wormholes. |