Only then could
the requisite technology be developed so that they could be used to gain further
knowledge. One would expect any "extra"
dimensions to come into this category, and there could well be other equally fundamental
Until an initiating discovery is made, it is extremely
difficult to conceive of their existence, speculate on their charac- teristics or imagine
the consequences.
The dimension that the ,ancient Indians worked upon was the
possibility of parallel universes.
They have been described as Mrityalok, Pitrilok, Devaloka
and Brahmaloka.
These are the descriptions of the different lokas which
have some sort ofdimensions.
The physics applicable to one Loka pro- bably is different
from another one. This area has to be revisited from a modern scientific approach.
Science is almost getting there from a different approach.
In our ancient scriptures including Gita it is said that
Brahmas one day and one night is equal to thousands of years of our existence. |