All the Lokas
(parallel universes), OArjuna, including the Brahmaloka are subject to the return, but,
after attaining me, O son of Kunti, there is no rebirth. In Mrityaloka we exist in form and shape and this is the three dimensions space
that we are familiar with.
If you add time as dimension then it be- comes a four
dimensionsal space.
Then there is the Pitriloka and Devaloka where the souls
after death reside.
Mantras are techniques to invoke them and bring them closer
to us to take part in any sacraments that we do.
They are invoked for the purpose of blessings and their
help in ones life.
The big question of time travel has been dealt with by a
different approach.Normally travel for us means travel in distance.
A machine like a car, a train or an aeroplane automatically
comes to mind. |