A certain race,
a certain religion, a certain nation carries its own samskara, which gives it a certain
character. That is what has happened to India. The
trees of India, the soil of India have become charged with the energy liberated from the
likes of Rama, Krishna, Budha, Mahavir, Nanak, and numerous such divine entities.
This has created an energy field, a budha field that is
unique. The wholedevelopment of Teerthas and dhams is based on this concept of release of
focused energy.
If you can be on that wavelength you can feel it too. You
can be a part of it as well.What is the source of this knowledge?
How did we acquire this knowledge and where did we loose
it? What do we do to rediscover it?
Each one of us can develop some under- standing of
samskara, karma, dharma and other Hindu concepts by reading about the scriptures.
But a deeper appreciation requires one to explore,
research, do sadhanas and tapa- syas to rediscover and further enhance the knowledge about
these. |