The currency is
your karma, be it a good karma, a bad karma, or an ugly karma. You do not have to deposit
the karma. Deposit is out of your control. It is automatic. Once you do a karma it is deposited. Even if you intend to do a karma it is
The desire of performing a karma is considered equivalent
to doing the karma. The balancing also is automatic.
Once you undo a karma it is removed. In this account a good
karma does not cancel out a bad karma.
All karma have to burn out. We will get into the details of
karma later on since the samskara can not be understood independent of the concept of
karma. They are closely related.
The main thing that has to be understood is that the goal
of the samskara deposit is to get to a zero balance.
The understanding of this principle is important. Buddha
was walking along.
Accidentally, his big toe hit a pebble and as expected the
toe started bleeding.
It of course was painful. Buddhas res- ponse was that
of utter relief. |