Before we get
into the concept of sams- kara let us explore the scientific concepts and learn how the
intelligentsia has given time, money and energy to get to the point they have come, the
distances they have covered. We believe that for
hundreds and thou- sands of years the Hindus poured their entire intellect and resources
to discover these truths.
When Buddha says Aeso dhammo sana- tana (this is the law)
he does not theorize, he does not think so and this is not his opinion.
Similarly when Mahavir says "Dhammo
mangalmukkitam" that is what he knows. It is backed up by his experience, work and
the work of thousands who experienced before him.
It is important to realize that we in the east were not so
much interested in philosophy. Philosophy is more of a mind game.
A philosopher is more interested in the logic of mind and
less in the Truth and realization. We do not like to think whether or not God exists.
Our Rishis were not interested in proving Gods
existence. Even if you do not believe in God, it is o.k. They were more interested in the
search itself. |