Vaashaanshi Jimani Yatha Vihay
Navani Grihnaati naroparani
Tatha sharirani vihaya jirna
nyanyani sanyati navani dehi (2..22)
As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones,
Similarly the soul accepts material bodies, giving up the
old and useless ones.
Another meaning of Samskara is the sacraments of human
beings that takes place at various stages of life.
We will discuss this in more detail in the third chapter of
the book. There are sixteen samskaras (sacraments) that are typically recommended in the
Hindu tradition.
We will be recommending a minimum of four samskaras that
are more prevalent now.
The Namkaran samskar (ceremoney of naming of the child) is
conducted when a child is born. |