Temples & Legends Of Andhra
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Temples & Legends Of
India |
Since Sarabha was
none other than Lord Siva himself, Lord Vishnu had to exert himself tremendously and had
to evoke all his powers before he could kill Sarabha. To do this, Lord Vishnu evoked the
full wrath and fury of which he was capable and hence, even after killing Sarabha, the
wrath of the Lord was so great that he could not control himself and was wandering with
that fearful aspect in the forest of Dandakaranya. All the Gods became very much
frightened at this terrific aspect of Lord Vishnu, which is known as Ugra Narasimha, and
approached Lord Brahma to suggest some means to pacify the Ugra Swarupa of Lord Vishnu
somehow or other. |
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