Temples & Legends of Assam |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
The former
collapsed, during the earth quake Of 1897, revealing the door-frame of the older
structure", which, according to himbelongs to the Pataliputra school.*1 He has
assigned this door-frame to the Gupta period because of its use of:
(1) trefoil medallions in Caitya windows on the lintel,
(2) the use of the figures of river goddesses on the lower parts of the iambs,
(3) the false recessed angles of the lintel,
(4) the flying figure in high relief in the centre of the lower part of the lintel, and
5.the particularly expressive figures of ganas on the arms of the cruciform bracket
capitals of the pilasters.This beautiful lintel is
one of the best specimens of its class of the Gupta period. The carving ran the jambs are
continued overhead in four out of the five bands. The lower part of the jambs consists of
single panels, in very high relief against which are the figures of the river goddesses
with female attendants on each side. The river goddesses exceed the limits of the panel
but the attendant figurines have been kept very well within bounds. |
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