There are three
attendants in the case of Ganga on the right, but two only in that of Yamuna to the left.
Behind the back of each figure appear two flying geese pecking at the halo of the goddess,
a new feature in the Gupta art. There are five bands of ornament on each jamb :- 1) A Meandering creeper rising above the head of a Naga.
2) The body of the Naga and the Nagi rising from the top of the
square panel at the bottom of each jamb an continued between the first and the second
bands of the lintel. The tails of these two serpents are held by the figures of Garuda in
high relief against the lower part of the lintel. and
3) Ornamental foliage consisting to it. These stem wiht amorini
clinging to it. These three bands are continued overhead on the lintel as its lowermost
bands of ornaments.
4)A pilaster, square in section bearing on it square bosses
covered with arabesque as projections, which acts as supports to a
number of human or divine figures, and ends in a cruciform bracket capital.
5) A double intertwined creeper forming conventional rosettes
which is continued o the side projection of the lintel.
*1. The age of the Imperial Guptasa,
pp.194 - 196 ; cf. A.R.A.SI., 1922-23, pp.119-20; 1924-25, pp.98-99. |