Another frieze
belonging to the 10th century A.D., and consisting of three panels, illustrates (i) a
woman in her toilet, (ii) a man dragging a fallen woman from a scene where another is
about to thrash her, while a second woman is dissuading him, and (iii) a man advancing
with a raised mace. A second frieze from the same
place, which is divided into four panels, contains the following scenes from left to
right: (a) an ascetic pushing a goat before him, (b) another ascetic dancing with sula and
dhakka in his hands and kamandalu hang- ing from his right arm, and (c) a seated woman in
an ecstatic mood. Yet another frieze divided into two big panels illustrates a combat
between two warriors. The actual combat is shown in one panel, while in the other, one of
the warriors marches off in triumph with the severed head of the other held in his hands,
the headless trunk staggering behind.