Temples & Legends Of Assam |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
It enters the
north-eastern corner of Assam through the Mishmi Hills and turning nearly due west, passes
through all districts of north Assam. It is the chief artery and high way of Assam. For
generations the Assamese have watered their fields with its blessed water; their whole
history and culture are intimately connected with the Brahmaputra. The monsoon rains
mark the seasons and the climate is generally damp and enervating. The soil is very
fertile and the landscape is always green and beautiful due to constant rainfall. Rivers,
hills and plains make the State beautiful; the feeling is one of exuberant life.
The earliest inhabitants of Assam are the Austric speakers who began to filter into Assam
long anterior to the advent of the Aryans from the west. Their culture still survives in
many existing institutions, customs and manners of the Assamese people. |