The various peoples
speaking Tibeto - Burman languages represent the next wave of Indo-Chinese invasion. The
most important group of tribes of the Tibeto - Burman race known as Bodo forms the
numerous and most important section of the non-Aryan peoples of Assam. The Bodo group of
tribes includes the Koc, the Kachari, the Lalung, the Dimacha, the Garo, the Rabha, the
Tipura, the Chutiya and the Maran. The Bodo people who live to the west of the present
Kamrup district are called Mec by their Hindu neighbors. Those of them who live in and to
the west of the district of Kamrup are called Kachari or Kachari. The Bodos built strong kingdoms and with various fortunes and under various
tribal names the Chutiya, the Kachari, the Koc, etc., held sway over one or another part
of Assam during different historical times. The Koces ruled Assam till the coming of the
Britishers. |