It is very probable
that there once Existed the conception of a great Mother Goddess who became the prototype
of diverse and subsequent emanations.3 1.
Hinduism and Buddhism; Vol. II, p. 78.
2. Vishnu Purana, P. cvii.
3. Quoted from R. K. Mukherji's Culture and Art of India.
Sakti is the concept of Divine Energy in its dynamic aspect.
She is inseparable from Brahman, as She is the power of Existence, Knowledge and Bliss of
Brahman. She is the creative and preservative energy of Brahman. As the Saundarya lahari
"Siva, when he is united with Sakti, He is able to create;
otherwise He is even unable to move. Siva without Sakti is Sava, a corpse. Sakti is the
life of Siva as she is his wife. The whole world of matter and soul exists potentially in
Sakti. Maya or Prakriti, the matrix of the world, lies with Sakti. The souls
mistakethemselves as finite and many due to the influence of Maya. Liberation is due to
the knowledge that the so-called soul is non different from Brahman. Knowledge of Sakti
leads to this knowledge. Liberation means dissolution in the blissful effulgence of the
4. Tr. C. D. Sharma; A Critical Survey of Indian
Philosophy, p. 390. |