In this gross form
of worship was also included the offering of blood to the Devi. The Kalika Purana contains
a very lengthy list of sacrificial animals to Candika and Bhairava. It included
"birds, rhinoceros, antelopes, alligators, fish, tortoises, ichneumons, wild boars,
iguanas, reindeer, lions, tigers. "9 A man without a blemish, it is stated, is the
most acceptable sacrifice that can be offered, and the manner in which the victims are to
be dealt with is laid down with full details. Instances
are on record to show how offerings were made to the Goddess in the form of blood drawn
from sacrificers own body. The Katha-Guru Carita gives an account of a Koc official
named Govinda who worshipped the Devi at the cost everyone of his belongings. He then used
to t e out his blood with a small clipper and offer it to he Devi in shells of snails, as
a result of which his body turned as white as cotton."10. This was also accompanied
by wine drinking and divination by ripping open the entrails of a pregnant woman.
The Moslem chroniclers observed that "who ever happens to
step into the land becomes enchanted and cannot find his way to come out of it. The idol
temple of Kamakhya. Lunachumari and Ismail Jogi are notorious for magic and sorcery.
9. Mother Goddess Kamakhya, p. 69. |