The Devi Bhagavata
has expressed the same idea as follows: I call
to the mind the Mother of the whole universe Who has created this world both real and
And who by Her own power with three Gunas
Protect it having destroyed it, She then plays.
Commonly it is said that Brahma creates the Universe
Yet the learned in the Veda and Purana Speak of His birth from
the naval lotus of Murari;
Although it is said He creates, yet He is Himself I dependent
there in.
Even Murari, in the bossoms of whose naval lotus Brahman was
Deeply sleeps upon His serpent bed at the time of dissolution,
Therefore, Ananta, with His thousand hoods, His support,
How can. He who is Himself supported he called a leader in the
creation of the world?
Even water of, the ocean, which is liquid substance,
Cannot exist without a container, therefore,
I take refuge with Her, the Mother of all beings,
Who exists in all things in the form of power?
Brahma in the lotus
Seeing the eyes of Vishnu were closed in deep slumber
Prayed to the Devi with whom I take shelter."5
Therefore, "She is Brahman and Paratpara, Supreme of the
5. Avelons Translation. 6. Eliot, Op.
Cit., pp. 78-79. |