Introduction Temples of baked mud bricks are a parti- cular feature in Bengal.The
deft fingered potters in various parts of Bengal like Bankura, Krishnanagar etc., turn out
fine specimens of pottery pieces, many of which are now exported, to foreign
countries. Their handiwork is also seen in the superb images of deities they make.
Large temples of various types were constructed entirely out of baked clayey mud-bricks by
the masons. They are indigenous to Bengal.
Exquisite sculpture of mythological scenes and
illustrations of current events and trends on the walls, jambs or the panels and
sculptured pillars are some of the remarkable features of these temples. Many of these
temples of mud-bricks were built from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. Most
of them have now been decaying mainly through neglect and age. There are still a few,
which stand out as splendid specimens of the type.
Author - P.C.Roy Choudhury