Their genius
for constructive art received a new impetus from the changing times and their skill did
not abate at the new challenge.The incursion of the "Pheringis" or the British
have found an expression in their art on one of the panels of this Saiva temple just as
has the familiar scene of a Nawab sitting with his satellites and enjoying the dance of
dancing girls. It was a contradiction in a
way to the highly conventional, orthodox and puritan ideas of Hindu religion and rather
queer ideas to be expressed on temple-walls but at the same time it shows how the common
citizens including the artists were affected.
The mason wanted to decorate thetemple, he had obviously a
free hand, and he drew from his own experience, feelings and personal equation. There was
certainly no idea of criticism or discontent while depicting such unconventional ideas
on the temples. They were just so many themes for the artist's fingers. This
is the most outstanding feature of this neglected mud-built temple of Siva at Bhattamati
village. |