It is also
significant that kirtans accompanied by khol and kartal are prevalent in many of the
villages in the interior of Ranchi district. Kirtans are a gift of the Vaishnava apostles.
The cult of Vaishnavism had a deep impact oil the Mundas and the Oraons just as tile cult
of Shaktism had influenced the Santals. *It is in this context that the temple of Lord
Jagarnath at Jagarnathpur occupies an extremely important position and could be described
as a landmark in the history of religions in Bihar. Instead of being surprised at the
existence of a few old temples, in Ranchi district, like the Jagarnath temple at
Jagarnathpur or at Chutia, one should rather be curious as to why there are not more of
them. Probably tile reasons are that the Khorposdars and tile tenureholders were in more
keen to have family deities in their houses and so did not pay much attention to the
construction of large temples.
There are, however, a number of temples throughout Ranchi district that were
constructed in the later part of the nineteenth century. Ranchi town has now got a Durga
Mandir, a Kali Mandir, Mahavir Mandir, Ram Chandra Mandir and anumber of Shiva temples
etc. These temples are all built within the last 100 years. Durga Puja, Basant Panchmi,
Kali Puja and Shiva Ratri are celebrated with great pomp and the Adivasis freely join