There is a high
rocky hill at Jagarnathpur commanding an extensive view of the surrounding plateau. This
hill contains the largest and the most popular temple in the district of Ranchi. This is a
temple of Lord Jagarnath and the temple is built on a plan roughly resembling that of the
temple of Lord Jagarnath at Puri.The temple was built in 1691 A.D. by Thakur Aini
Shahi, a Khorposdar of the Nagavanshi family, and the Village was granted to Jagarnath as
a devottar. The whole of the Ranchi district, before the abolition of the zamindari,
comprised of only one Tauzi and the Maharaja, of Chotanagpur was the Zamindar. The
Maharaja of Chotanagpur belongs to the Nagavanshi Rajput family.
The theory held by the Britishers that the family was of Munda origin, but became
highly Hinduised, does not appear to be correct. Even the first Maharaja had the name of
Phani Mukut, which are a Hindu and not a Munda name. Phani Mukut married a Rajput princess
of Panchet Raj in Manbhum.